г.СПб, ул.шоссе Революции, д.69 лит.А
Режим работы: Офис с 9 до 18, Склад с 8 до 17

Контроллер Simatic S5 SIEMENS: купить в СПб и Москве, в наличии. Артикул: 6ES5848-8KA01 — А-К-С фото

Платформа управления SIEMENS 6ES5848-8KA01


Артикул: 6ES5848-8KA01 Под заказ

Производитель: SIEMENS

Категория: Контроллеры Simatic S5

Страна производитель: Германия

Siemens SIMATIC S5 Standard Function Blocks F. IP 241 (S5-DOS) F. S5-115U/135U/155U PLC ON 3.5" AND 5.25" Diskettes German/English/French

  • Product: Siemens SIMATIC S5 Standard Function Blocks
  • Compatibility: IP 241, S5-DOS, S5-115U/135U/155U PLC
  • Diskette Type: Suitable for 3.5" and 5.25" diskettes
  • Languages: German, English, French

The Siemens SIMATIC S5 Standard Function Blocks provide essential functionality for industrial automation systems. This product is specifically designed for IP 241, S5-DOS, and S5-115U/135U/155U PLCs. With its compatibility and functionality, it offers seamless integration into existing systems.

These function blocks are stored on diskettes, making them easily accessible and portable. They are compatible with both 3.5" and 5.25" diskette drives. The diskettes are available in German, English, and French languages, ensuring ease of use for users from different countries.

Siemens SIMATIC S5 Standard Function Blocks are a reliable and efficient solution for various automation tasks. They provide the necessary tools for programming and controlling industrial processes. With their user-friendly interface and multilingual support, they enable efficient operation and mainte

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